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 Go to hell with de smile, or not ...

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Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Go to hell with de smile, or not ...   Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 EmptyMer 05 Sep 2012, 11:00

Ahhh! Une photo ensemble? XD
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"Kozak" Oliver McQueen
1st lieutenant
Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 53-95
Messages : 91
Date d'inscription : 01/07/2012
Age : 30

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Affectation: PEGASE
Equipe: Atlantis
Gène: Aucun gène spécial

Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Go to hell with de smile, or not ...   Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 EmptyMer 05 Sep 2012, 16:52

no probleme ^^
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Lana Miro
1st Lieutenant ~ Atlantis
Lana Miro
Messages : 181
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2012
Age : 36
Localisation : Atlantis/Pegase

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Equipe: Equipe SGA-1
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Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Go to hell with de smile, or not ...   Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 EmptyMer 05 Sep 2012, 19:03

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MessageSujet: Re: Go to hell with de smile, or not ...   Go to hell with de smile, or not ... - Page 2 Empty

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Go to hell with de smile, or not ...

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